Thursday 19 January 2012

Music Video Feedback Results

This feedback confirms that my target audience are in fact older teenagers and young adults, aged between 17 and 24.

As expected, the majority of my audience were female, due to the genre of our video.

This question proves our music video was a success, as 100& of those who were surveyed enjoyed it.

This question tells us our video was understandable.

Most of my audience believed my video suited the R&B genre. I think those who answered 'sort of', were referring to just the modern R&B genre.

80% of the audience recognised the placard scene, and those who didn't most probably haven't seen the film.

Our flashbacks and the desaturation effect used to indicate them were effective, as 1/10 surveyed found that they were indicated sufficiently.

Again, this question confirms our video was successful, as it was rated mostly 10/10, and no less than 8/10.

100% of people said the video made them want to re-watch it, this is another aspect which proves we achieved our goal with the music video.

If we made the music video again, I would consider some of these changes, however thankfully they are only minor improvements.

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